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Don’t take a vacation from exercise!

Don't take a vacation from exercise!

Don’t take a vacation from exercise!

by Kristen Scruggs

Exercising while on vacation may sound crazy to you, but taking 20-30 minutes each morning to break a sweat will leave you feeling energized and will also lead to making healthier dining choices (or not feeling as guilty when you splurge).

Easy ways to exercise on vacation

Do your homework ahead of time by researching the area to see if there are fitness centers, jogging trails, or even running groups nearby.

Try to schedule your activity first thing in the morning. You’re more likely to stick to it and you’ll feel better all day.

Things you can do anywhere

A combination of squats, lunges, burpees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups/stomach crunches and wall sits. Put together your own routine or save some images from Pinterest of exercise routines.

Bring essentials with you: 3-5 pound dumbbells or a resistance band with your “plan of attack.”

Things you can do with your family

Running, walking, hiking, riding a bike, playing frisbee or volleyball.

Remember, no one expects you to keep up with your normal routine or intensity when you’re on vacation. But squeezing in a daily activity or that 20-30 minutes each morning will make a big difference, and it’s easier to get back into your routine when vacation is over.

Another tip is to research restaurants and menus ahead of time for healthy options, so you’re not as tempted to splurge!

Stay in shape over the summer – we know you can do it!

Kristen Scruggs

Kristen Scruggs

Kristen E Scruggs is the Chapter Leader for the East Orlando chapter of Moms RUN This Town, a free local running club for Moms with over 500 members. She recently ran her first full marathon, the Space Coast Marathon! She is married with a two year old daughter and her second daughter will arrive this August! You can see what her busy group of Moms is up to at

1 Comment

  1. Reaghan says:

    Totally agree! That is why I created Fit Evolution Steel Strong. The DVD that got me back in shape after my third baby. Only one year later and I am smaller and stronger than ever! This workout can be done anywhere, no equipment needed, and for the busy mom its perfect because you only need 15 minutes a day! Want more info contact me! I would love to offer it on your site for other moms to take advantage of!

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